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Planting Seeds

Gather. Connect. Share.

This is the mission of the Garden of the Goddesses, created to cultivate self-empowerment, personal growth and a genuine connection between women while ensuring a safe space for vulnerability and healthy conversations.

Hello everyone ~ I'm the keeper of this garden space and I want to share with you what truly matters to me....

  • Our offerings are small-group only because your voice matters. 

  • Our focus is not the story, but instead gently exploring how the story made you feel.

  • Our time together is about lifting each other up. In fact, that’s the Garden of the Goddesses Golden Rule …to "Lift our Sisters Up"… because it is never our place to question or judge your journey. We are here to remember the value of feminine community;  to support, empower and celebrate.

I've been blessed to be a part of powerful moments with some of you this year ....and there is so much goodness coming up in the Garden of the Goddesses in 2024!!!

Join us for "Envision 2024!" a day of gathering to manifest our futures while crafting vision boards for the year to come! It's always so inspiring! Speaking of inspiration, we'll be meeting on Zoom every Tuesday in February for "Getting Out of Your Own Way", a discussion-based series intended to bring awareness to and trade those limiting beliefs and attachments to "how things have always been" for growth mindset and endless possibilities! The positive sharing that happens throughout this series is just magical! Also on the schedule is the very popular "Boundaries are Essential!" ~ a full day offering to deepen our understanding of boundaries: creating them, respecting them, and practicing them, as well as identifying the unhealthy patterns that have kept us from establishing healthy boundaries! 

And stay tuned for news on the upcoming Spring Weekend Retreats! 

As always, I thank you for being here and I ask that you please help me plant seeds:  share this message with the women in your life. Send them to my site! And if you've attended a Garden of the Goddess offering, please share your experience!

Happy Holidays! I love you!

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